Survival and Legacy

Most people are afraid of little things which may make their lives worse off in some way - and that's just a maybe. Some people hold on to those maybe's even in the face of a far better future. Others are explorers, people who go out and explore those futures and are the ones that bring… Continue reading Survival and Legacy

Gratitude – A better way of living

Humanity has come a long way in past few centuries. The quality of life that someone in lower middle class enjoys today is far better than what even wealthiest people experienced 100 years ago. Whether it's access to healthcare, education, transport or even just temperature control in the room, everything's better. But people are more dissatisfied than… Continue reading Gratitude – A better way of living

Carrots and sticks

The quality of your life depends on the reasons behind the decisions you take. If they are internal reasons, for yourself, you flourish. If reasons are external, you lose control and feel frustrated. Your happiness will depend on the things you do when there's no one standing behind you, when there's no deadline, no sticks, and… Continue reading Carrots and sticks

Everything is connected – Why I write about topics unrelated to learning and education

I have been counseled many times to focus on learning and education and not write about anything else. The argument is that it confuses readers and doesn't give you a targeted audience. I agree. In any MBA program or a marketing course/post/seminar, one of the very first things they teach is the importance of identifying your audience. Once… Continue reading Everything is connected – Why I write about topics unrelated to learning and education

What happens after my death?

This is a very personal message I sent to my loved ones. I am, now, sharing it with the world. I just came back from final rites (Kirya) of my father. It’s been 13 days since he died. Many asked what his final words were. There weren’t any. He didn’t get the chance. We will… Continue reading What happens after my death?