10 new reasons why Cycling rocks [You will love #6]

Cycling has many benefits - most of which you already know: It's a great, harmless, and (mostly) injury-free workout. It saves fuel. Cycling is both noise pollution and air pollution free. Now for some other unusual, but awesome, things to think about: You don't get a ticket  (no challan). So you don't have to wait for red light to… Continue reading 10 new reasons why Cycling rocks [You will love #6]

Philosophy digest

To make money we lose our health, and then to restore our health we lose our money. We live as if we are never going to die, and we die as if we never lived. My wall You become what you think. Think positive, think happy. You become what you eat. Eat healthily, eat for… Continue reading Philosophy digest


Just to be clear: I am not a doctor. Use your brain before following my advice and consult a doctor. Don't kill yourself. Having said that, the following practices are pretty safe and unlikely to kill you. None of the what follows is original research. I am just synthesizing what master researchers tell and I… Continue reading Health